If you’ve just put together a floor plan outline for your upcoming bathroom renovation, we’re here to ask you to halt your plans for the moment and hear us out. Indeed, there’s every chance you’ve forgotten a couple of things about designing a bathroom and we would be remiss not to remind you!
And you wouldn’t believe the amount of homeowners who renovate and then regret, and that’s not something you’re also going to want to go through. With all that in mind, here are three worthy elements you might not have thought about when putting your bathroom’s new design together.

You’ll Need Easy to Reach Storage
If your new bathroom layout has a bit of a minimalist edge to it, go over it again and see where you can squeeze some storage solutions in. You don’t want to have a bathroom that never lets you quickly grab a towel or store dirty laundry away when you’re in a rush in the morning!
And remember, without enough storage, your bathroom is never going to look clean either! There will be toiletries all over the sink and the side of the bathtub, and if you’ve got a window sill it’ll likely be packed with your daily use items. That will never let the room look organized, and that can really get to you after a while.
An Accessible Bathtub is Best for Comfortable Convenience
Accessible bathtubs tend to be larger than standard tubs, but they also come with easy access in and out, and can usually double up as a shower too. You really do get a lot of usable, comfortable bathing space all in one, which is great even if you don’t have any accessibility needs.
Because of that, think about investing in one for your new bathroom and incorporate the dimensions into the layout you’re thinking of. If you need some reference pictures or guidance on choosing an accessible bathtub, head to newbathtech.com and check out the advice they have on offer.
Choose the Backsplash That’ll Be Easiest to Clean
When choosing a backsplash, color and style aren’t the only factors to keep in mind. You also need to think about how easy that backsplash will be to keep clean. Include that in your decision as well and you’ll bring home the perfect tiles and/or boards for laying on your floor and walls.
And remember, the more grouting there is, the more likely you’ll get mold growth over time. If there’s more space for it to grow, and there’s a lot more you have to try and clean, you’ll be unlikely to be able to keep up. You’ll always be in there with some mold remover giving it the once over, and that does get old!
Designing a bathroom is all about form and function. Be sure you’re getting the most out of your proposed new layout by thinking over elements like the ones above. They’ll make a beneficial difference on the result.

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