Being an Entrepreneur who works virtually can become pretty lonely, something that I never realized when I started my own business. While I do work with contractors and clients on a daily basis, I don’t have in-person coworkers (unless you count my dog, Charlie) and virtual communication just isn’t the same as real in-person interaction.
Therefore, after starting to work from home full-time, I realized that I needed to actively participate in my own Happiness. After almost a year, I have found some great resources and Surefire Ways on How To Find Happiness and I wanted to make sure to share them with all of you, in case you are struggling like I was (or sometimes still am!)
Surefire Ways on How to Find Happiness
Accept What You Can’t Change
There are always going to be things in your life that happen, that are totally out of your control. As someone who likes to be in control of everything, it is so hard for me to believe this and accept it.
I want to be able to control every aspect of my life. But it is time for some serious real talk. That simply isn’t possible. Instead of resenting and stewing on the things that are out of your control, you need to accept them and make an action plan for how you can make the challenge work for you.
Do Something That You Can Change
And while we are talking about change, focus on the things that are completely in your control: the things that you can change.
Maybe you want to lose weight or find a new job. Work on setting up a game plan with reasonable goals: joining a gym or learning a new skill set. Focusing on the areas that we are able to change can create positive outcomes in many areas of our life (and potential effect the things that we can’t change).
Let Go of Grudges
This one is a hard one for me. I am going to get personal for a second.
When I first started my business, there was another person in the industry who was completely against everything I did because of personal reasons (that I won’t even go into). For months, every time I saw this person on social media or saw them interacting with other industry professionals, it ruined my entire day. I kept replaying what happened between us over and over again and it just made me so frustrated because it was over something really ridiculously silly.
So one day? I decided that it wasn’t going to affect me anymore. I had done everything I could to make amends and essentially the ball was no longer in my court (it was something I just couldn’t change). Now, everything I see this person (in person, on social media etc.) I feel really proud of myself that I was able to move on and be the bigger person.
Now I went through all of this to say that holding grudges and being angry at people, is really only hurting yourself. And as hard as it can be to “forgive and forget” I promise by doing so, it is going to make you so much happier.
Let’s try something together. I want you OUT LOUD to say the following “I am no longer going to let (insert name of person here) affect my life and my emotions. I have done everything in my control to fix the situation and now I am going to move on and be happy with myself.” Whew. Didn’t that feel good? Repeat that phrase anytime you find yourself brooding over said person again.
Live in the Moment
Ok, I never said these tips were going to be easy but they will help you to find happiness, pinky promise! So often, I find myself caught up in worrying about aspects of my business and life that are months or even years down the road (and might not even happen). While we can’t just completely forget about the future (totally not what I am suggesting you do here), it is ok to not worry about it all the time.
For example, in my business, I set aside specific time to plan out and “dream” of the future. Once that is done, I put everything into actionable goals and give them due dates. If the due date isn’t soon approaching, then I shouldn’t be worrying about it.
A great way to plan all this out (the way I prefer) is by using the Daily Greatness Business Planner (find out all about it here.)
Live in the moment and celebrate the goals you are achieving now. Big or small, we should celebrate ourselves and our accomplishments more. Oh, and by the way, “accomplishments” don’t necessarily mean that you moved mountains. It could be something as simple as getting out of bed and facing the day. That is an accomplishment and friend, you celebrate that shit!
Take Care of Yourself
This one is HUGE! If you are overworked, overwhelmed and stressed, I can guarantee that happiness is going to be pretty hard to come by. Set boundaries in your business and personal life.
We each only have so much to give until we run on empty, so don’t let yourself get to that point. One thing that I love to do is taking a nice hot bath: away from any electronics and stresses of the day. I reflect on all of the amazing things that I have done that day and simply let my mind be still (which can sometimes take me quite awhile!)
Be Open to New Experiences
It can be hard to put ourselves out there and get out of our comfort zone. But when we open ourselves up to new experiences, we can also find new things that make us happy. For me, I knew I need to find a hobby that wasn’t related to work.
After much searching, I decided to give hand lettering a try and I really like it! If I hadn’t gone out and tried new hobbies, I never would have found this one that brings joy and fulfillment to my life.
Help Someone Else Find Happiness
When I help others, it always makes me feel good. Whether that means you are helping a friend, a family member or maybe even someone you have never even met before.
You can always find deserving charities that are either looking for volunteers or looking for donations. One of my favorite things used to be going to the local animal shelter and volunteering to walk dogs. It got me outside and doing something that made me feel like I was making a difference.
Be Grateful
Lastly, we have to be grateful for what we are given. Whenever I am feeling really down or upset, I think about all of the simple good things in my life. Again, these don’t have to be gigantic amazing things, they could be as simple as I am grateful that I have fresh, running water today.
What are you grateful for today? I would love to hear down below!

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