I think getting to celebrate “firsts” with a baby is so much fun! This weekend is Leonie’s first Easter and today I wanted to show you the Baby Easter Basket Idea that I put together for her.

Baby Easter Basket Idea
I found the basket for really cheap at Aldi. It is a small felt basket that I am sure we can use in the future for other Easters or for hunting eggs. It is the perfect size for kids under 4.
Next I added a pink bunny sweater that I found at H&M. Here it is normally still pretty chilly around Easter, I thought she would still get some good wear out of this after we gift her the Baby Easter Basket.
I try to always include a book when we are putting these types of gifts together – Leonie loves them and they are great for interaction. I found one that has a main character named Leonie and is all about Easter, which is perfect.

The “big” item in the basket is the custom bunny that I had made. The bunny is embroidered with her name on it and it is the cutest little thing. I hope that she can play with this for years to come and it will still be around as a treasure when she gets older.

Finally, I couldn’t pass up on these sunglasses that we on sale. Will she wear them? Probably not. Will they make a really cute photo opportunity? Of course!
Overall cost and thoughts
Overall, I spent about $40 on everything, including the basket. While that was a bit more than I wanted to spend, I am really happy with the way that this Baby Easter Basket Idea turned out! What do you think?

How do you celebrate the Easter holiday? Growing up we always woke up and searched for our Easter baskets in the house, then had a big brunch and then went outside to do an egg hunt. I have so many wonderful memories of this holiday and I can’t wait to create more with Leonie! Let me know what you do for Easter below!
Related post: Baby Valentine’s Day Basket

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