Mental health is as important to an entrepreneur’s success as physical health. Without a healthy mindset, entrepreneurs may find themselves unable to cope with the stress and setbacks that come their way. Running a business is tough and can be really isolating. I learned this the hard way when I first started my business! And it’s so important to take care of your mental health so that you, and your business, can thrive! Staying motivated can be incredibly difficult, especially when things don’t seem to be going your way or it feels like you are not making enough progress towards…
Three Tips To Help You Survive A Family Road Trip
When we first had Leonie, the thought of flying with her terrified me (for so many reasons). But since we love to travel, we decided to do a family road trip instead. It seemed much less stressful, and I knew that if she was upset we could always stop and get out of the car: not something you can do on a plane. Since then, we have taken a lot of family road trips and so I wanted to share my three tips to help you survive a family road trip! Naturally, to increase your chances of having a successful…
How to Get a Better Nights Sleep
Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, getting up every morning can be difficult if you don’t sleep well. Sleep is vital for good mental, emotional, and physical health, but it’s so incredibly common for people to be sleep deprived (especially if you are a parent!). Here are some ways that I have found work for me on how to get a better nights sleep, and hopefully they help you to improve your sleep quality too! Set a Schedule If you have children, they probably have a set bedtime. This helps them to wind down and makes sure…
How to Be Smart About Kids’ Tech Use
As parents, we only want the best for our kids. We want them to be successful and engaged in the world around them. But let’s face it, technology is a huge part of society and it can be both a blessing and a curse. I know I have certainly resorted to screen time when I needed the kids to be occupied… But then I feel guilty. So how do you be smart about kids’ tech use? Here are some tips: Set Boundaries: Setting boundaries for your kids’ use of digital devices is really important. Establishing clear expectations about when and…
How To Protect Your Belongings During A Long Distance Move
Moving to a new home can be an exciting experience. But, when you’re moving long distances, it can also prove to be a super stressful one. Trust me, I have done multiple cross-country and international moves! One of the most critical tasks is to ensure that your belongings make it to their new home safely. To do this, there are some steps you can take to ensure the safety of your items during the move. Here are some ideas on how to protect your belongings during a long distance move. #1 Take Inventory Of Your Items Taking an inventory of…