While we have been quarantined at home, I still wanted to be able to capture my growing bump so Manuel and I set out to create these DIY Outdoor Maternity Photos!
Overall, it took about 2 hours to capture these (which including drive/travel time between the location). And I wanted to give you guys some tips on how to take your own photos outside in case you are in the same situation (or you just want to save money!)
These were taken with my Nikon DSLR camera, however, you could certainly shoot them with just a phone or whatever camera you have.
If you have someone that can help you take them, this will save you some time. However, if you don’t, or if you want your partner in the photos, you can get a cheap tripod off Amazon. Or even just use something to put your camera on top of – we actually found a random log to take some of these at the lake! ?

Overdo your makeup
Even if you want a natural look, make sure to use a bit more makeup than usual. It will really help your face pop in pictures. I love adding a lip color – even if it is just a neutral one, as it helps me look more alive in pictures.

Get inspiration from Pinterest
This is a must! Before you start shooting, look at pictures on Pinterest to determine the look that you are going for. Then you can essentially copy looks and poses – this will help so much when you don’t have a photographer telling you what to do!

“Practice” beforehand
It also helps to “practice” a few poses in the mirror in advance. Determine what you like and give it a go in front of the mirror! It may feel silly but it will help you save time when you start shooting. Also, one tip that is super helpful – make sure to stretch out your chin away from your body. Even thought this will feel super strange, it will make the pictures look better!

Pick the right time of day
As you can see in some of the garden pictures, the sun was out and it casts a bit of a harsh light on our faces. The best time of day to shoot is either at first light in the morning, or right before the sun goes down at night. We weren’t able to make those work, so we did with what we had – trying to find shade and positions that utilized the sun in the best way possible.
We were lucky enough that by the time we got to the lake, the sun was behind cloud cover, and you can see that the lighting is much better!

Use Lightroom and edit the photos
You can download the Lightroom app for free in order to edit your pictures. I highly recommend this! Even professional photographers edit their pictures to make sure they are the right look. Play around with exposures, contrast and colors. Or you could always look into buying a preset to use on the photos!

There you have it! Those are my tips on how to DIY Outdoor Maternity Photos. Overall, just make sure to give yourself grace and enjoy the process – you are going to look gorgeous Mama!
Related post: DIY Indoor Maternity Photos

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