When we first found out we were pregnant, we immediately were thinking about what the babies gender would be. Luckily, with the technology of today, a gender can be found out really early. We decided to do the Sneak Peek Test at 8.5 weeks in order to have a Fall Gender Reveal.
Manuel wasn’t so concerned about finding out, and would have been totally fine just waiting until birth to find out. However, I am way too much of a planner for that so I had to know! In order to compromise, Manuel wanted us to find out during the Fall Gender Reveal with everyone else.
Therefore, we decided to task my sister with finding out the gender first, and planning the gender reveal party. For 1.5 weeks she knew the gender and was so good at keeping a secret (even though I tried to get her to crack!)
Since we found out in October, we wanted to do something Fall themed and what is more Fall themed then a pumpkin! My sister was able to order the correct color of smoke bomb and my Dad carved out a white pumpkin.

In order to remember the day, and be able to share it with our little one in the future, we wanted to keep track of everyones guesses. We ordered this fingerprint tree from Etsy and everyone was able to guess pink or blue. I can’t wait to frame this and hang it in the nursery!

Now, the only thing left to do was to light the smoke bomb and find out what Baby F was going to be! Manuel and I both were super excited to find out! We both had been referring to baby as a “him” so we were pretty shocked when this happened….

Baby F is a GIRL!
It was such a fun moment to find out with our family! I loved that we kept it a surprise, I mean how adorable is Manuel’s reaction?! Ultimately our Fall Gender Reveal was a huge success and a moment we will certainly remember for many years to come.

If you want to know more about Baby F, follow along with my pregnancy over on my Instagram! Or click here to see any future Baby F posts!

What kind and where did you find the smoke for the pumpkin reveal?