Happy Easter! It is crazy that it’s already April and Easter is upon us. It doesn’t really feel like Easter here since it is (still) snowing… I am ready for Spring weather!
This week I have gotten an outpouring of support from readers of my blog- and it made me feel awesome! Here I thought I was writing about my adventures only for my family. Clearly that’s not the case- if you are reading this then Thank You! Thank you for caring enough about me to take time out of your busy day to catch up on my life. I also love to hear how other people are doing- so feel free to send me a message or comment below.
Manuel and I had another eventful week this week. And drum roll please….. We signed a lease for the perfect apartment!
On Tuesday, there was a big wind storm here (I swear a tornado was coming every minute but they kept reassuring me that they don’t get tornadoes). That day, some of the women asked if I wanted to walk with them- I thought to myself, have they looked outside yet? They had, they just didn’t seem effected by the wind. So we set off on the almost daily walk. It was not a pleasant experience. Not only could we not stop because the wind was so strong it would pull you forward, but halfway through it started to drizzle and that mixed with the wind hitting you felt like someone was throwing rocks. The women were as happy as always though, and luckily we didn’t die. Unfortunately due to the storm, 7 people did die and many trains and roads were shut down because massive trees were completely uprooted and covering the roads. Wind speeds peaked at over 93 miles an hour!
However, Manuel and I still made the hour drive to Augsburg that day to view two apartments. Both apartments that we were looking at- we hadn’t seen any pictures for and really didn’t know much about them. When we went to the first appointment the Realtor was 20 minutes late. I truly hate people that are late- and he didn’t even apologize. Rude. Oh well… When we went into the apartment it was like a war zone. It was getting redone but still had bright purple carpeting, and the walls looked like someone took a sledgehammer and went to town on them. Needless to say, we left pretty quickly.
The next apartment, Manuel and I were pretty excited for. It was in the perfect location (almost the only thing we actually knew about the apartment) and Manuel’s dad found it off of a police only website so not many people had seen the ad. We both promised each other that we wouldn’t get our hopes up, and just because it was in a great location doesn’t mean that it will be a nice apartment. When we arrived at the building, it was great- surrounded by a small park and within walking distance to everything. We rang the bell and climbed the seven flights of stairs to the apartment. (Thankfully there is an elevator)
A nice middle aged couple met us at the door and when we walked in, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. It was picture perfect! The kitchen is very modern, all the rooms are very spacious, the apartment is very bright from all the windows, and the balcony runs the entire length of the apartment. It really seemed too good to be true! Luckily, it wasn’t a dream and on Thursday we signed the lease! We will be getting keys on Tuesday and I will be sure to take some pictures to post (I was so awestruck that I completely forgot to do this the first time we visited).
Also on Thursday, Manuel signed his work contract. I think he is really excited to start working at this new company. They are currently building a brand new office that everyone in Augsburg, including him, will be moving into the first of May.
Since we have finally found a permanent place to live, I started looking at language courses. I believe I am going to start one at the beginning of May. It will be Monday- Friday from 8:30-12:30 for two months. Hopefully by the end of it, I have a better grasp on the language which will aid me in my job search.
Only 2.5 weeks left until we get Charlie! We are so excited and since we are getting almost daily pictures and videos, and I am sure I will be taking an insane amount of pictures once we actually get him, I decided to create him an Instagram account. That way I can spare the people that aren’t interested in seeing thousands of pictures/videos of our dog. In case you do want to see pictures, his Instagram name is charlie_the_goldendoodle7 (go ahead and judge me for this, I know it’s a little crazy)
I wish all of you and your families a very Happy Easter. Go out and celebrate the Lord, for he is good. I don’t talk about religion much but God has truly provided for us a wonderful journey, everything that I have been concerned about has been taken care of and I know it’s because of Him. God is so good!
“There is only one secure foundation: a genuine, deep relationship with Jesus Christ, which will carry you through any and all turmoil. No matter what storms are raging all around, you’ll stand firm if you stand on His love.” – Charles Stanley
As always thanks for reading! Until next time,

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