As the temperatures drop during the cold winter months, your reliance on your home heating systems naturally becomes more important. Unfortunately, many people only come to realise that their homes are being heated inefficiently when they’re most in need, so it’s important to check the efficiency of your heating before winter to prevent any problems.
In this article, you’ll learn about three important aspects to consider when checking the house over in preparation.

Assessing Your Main Heating System
When you’re looking to assess your home for heating efficiency, start with the basics – your primary heater. Whether you rely on a traditional boiler, furnace, or heat pump, regular inspection is key for longevity.
One of the most important things to do is to adhere closely to the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule. Having a professional come and check over the entire system for signs of wear and tear, general efficiency, and to see if anything needs cleaning, is the number one way to prevent any future problems.
If your primary heating system is older than 15-20 years old, it may be best to consider a replacement; modern systems have become far more energy efficient in the last decade, so while you may have to fork out more money initially, it’ll most definitely be worth it in the end.
Evaluating Your Hot Water Heater
A reliable supply of hot water is essential for virtually all daily tasks that are undertaken in your home, whether they be cooking, cleaning, bathing, and more. This means that your hot water heater is a vital component regarding the support you need during winter.
That said, this element of your heating system is one of the main areas where efficiency is lost, whether that be because of common faults or the age of the mechanisms. If your unit is more than 8-12 years old, a full hot water heater replacement is likely your best bet, for the same reasons discussed above for replacing your main system.
Modern heaters are rated with an Energy Factor (EF) or Uniform Energy Factor (UEF): these metrics mark how you can determine how efficient your heater is.
About Insulation
Once you know your main heating systems and hot water heater are working correctly and efficiently, it’s time to think about insulation. The above systems work their best when your home is properly insulated, so you need to check that your doors, windows, roof, and crawl spaces are sufficiently protected not only from heat leakage, but also from cold getting in.
If you identify major areas of concern, it’s best to contact a professional to give your home a full evaluation, but you can also make a difference by using heavy rugs and curtains as well as filling foam for small cracks.
Wrapping Up
It’ll take a little bit of work to get there, but taking the time to give your home the once over will save you a lot of hassle once the cold hits. By taking care to check your main heating system, water heater, and insulation, you can ensure your house stays warm and cosy this winter and enjoy the seasonal festivities to the full!

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