I didn’t start drinking coffee until my last year in college. It must have been all the late nights studying and early morning classes, when I decided that I needed some caffeine to keep my day going. When I first started drinking it, I hated the taste, so I loaded it with sugar and flavored creamers. Actually, when I think about it, I was certainly drinking more creamer than coffee.
As the years progressed, and I made the switch to coffee that tasted good on it’s own, I realized that I didn’t need all the extras added to my coffee (or the extra calories added to my waistline!) It took my husband a while to realize this too, but once I got him to try Cameron’s Coffee, he too understood that by starting with a great tasting coffee that isn’t bitter, you don’t need anything else added.
Related post: Where to Buy Cameron’s Coffee

Now, I am working on converting my in-laws and many of our friends because they too are loading their coffees with lots of cream and sugar. In fact, just the other day, we had Manuel’s friends over for coffee and cake.
We served Toasted Southern Pecan Cameron’s Coffee and before they even got to taste it, they commented on how the coffee brewing smelled so good (it certainly did!)
Then we urged them to try it without adding anything first. Hesitantly they did, and they were rather shocked at how much they enjoyed it. It wasn’t the bitter, foul tasting, coffee that they were used to drinking. And they were surprised by how much of the pecan flavor came through.

Clearly we had made them a convert to not only black coffee but to Cameron’s Coffee as well. And just as they were so delighted to try a blend for the first time, Manuel and I always get so excited when we finish one bag of coffee and move to the next.
Each different blend is a new experience and the flavors can really shine through without adding everything to it. Cameron’s brand promise is crafting coffees that are always smooth, and never bitter and I can honestly say that every blend I’ve tried delivers on that!
If you haven’t made the switch to black coffee yet, I suggest you give it a try! But first, make sure you find a great coffee that you can enjoy by itself (this is so important for you to be successful at making the switch!)

For me, I hate bitter coffee, which often is the product of the coffee beans being over-roasted. You will be able to taste this immediately on drinking. Trust me, you don’t want to be drinking a bitter coffee!
And finally, feel free to experiment with different blends and roast levels! Manuel likes more classic blends like Breakfast Blend and French Roast. While I love the different flavored coffees like Toasted Southern Pecan and Chocolate Caramel Brownie.

So tell me, have you made the switch to black coffee yet? Which roast do you prefer?

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