The world has gone through the wringer over the past few years. The pandemic seemed like the worst was over, yet the cost of living crisis that’s occurring across the globe and rising prices in pretty much everything in life, has made it hard to keep mentally positive in 2023.

How to Be Mentally Positive
Keeping yourself positive in this day and age is something that needs to be a conscious effort. Life gets tough for all of us, but perspective can be a great help. With all that being said, let’s look at a few tips to keep yourself mentally positive this year.
Switch up your hobbies or current routine
To help be mentally positive this year, sometimes it’s good to switch up a current routine that has gone a little stale. Either that or you might be looking to start a new hobby or two. This year I started baking much more, and I have found so much enjoyment in it!

Sometimes, having a new routine can be useful when the old one has become a little boring. Perhaps your routine feels a little lazy or is the opposite – a little too intense. If you’re feeling a little burnt out or think you’re spiraling into a dark mental state, then look at finding new outlets that will bring you joy. Switch up your current routine if it’s proving too difficult to sustain.
Surround yourself with positive and supportive people
When it comes to life, it’s important that you’re doing everything you can to surround yourself with the right people. Negative influences do nothing for your quality of life and mental health. Instead, they’re more than likely to drag you down with them.
With that in mind, cut out the toxic people in your life. Whoever they may be, whether it’s family, friends, or work colleagues. These people don’t value you enough to give you love and support, so why give any of your own? When it comes to your mental health, setting boundaries is extremely important.
Give yourself some much-needed self-care regularly
Self-care is often seen as a bit of a selfish activity but it’s something that you want to embrace fully. Not everyone in life gives themselves the self-care and pampering that they need. Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish – in fact, it’s a wise choice to make. By giving yourself that love and attention first, it makes you the best version of yourself for others to appreciate.
Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings
It’s important to be open with your feelings and talk about them where and when you can. If you’re someone who struggles to open up, then it may be helpful to speak to your loved ones first. Those that you trust, of course.
Speak to a mental health professional or go to therapy
For those that don’t fancy speaking to their loved ones about their mental well-being, it may be more effective to get mental health treatment through practices like counseling or therapy. I have done this and it radically improved my mental health and outlook on life!
If you’re looking to spend more time on your mental well-being this year, use these tips to look after yourself this year in order to be mentally positive in 2023.

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