If you just don’t feel good in the clothes that you wear then you are not alone. So many people feel the same way that you do, but there are some things you can do to try and turn your situation around.

You’re Not Wearing the Right Clothes
One thing you may be doing wrong is not wearing the right clothes. You may think that you look good just because you happen to be wearing something trendy or even because you are wearing something that is supposedly fashionable. This is unfortunately not always the case.
Even if the clothes themselves look good, you have to remember that if someone with a different figure wears them, they might not suit them as much. If you want to fix this then spend some time looking at your body and figure out what shape you are. You can then dress according to this, which is the best way for you to get the result you are going for.
Your Colors are Clashing
Another reason why you may not look as good as you could is if you are wearing colors that clash with your undertone. Everyone has a certain undertone in their skin and this can influence how colors look on you. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is look at your skin according to the seasons.
If you have “fall” skin then your tone will be warm and delicate. Winter however is cool and bright. Draping tests work well if you want to find out what you could suit. Find some fabrics that are beige, gray, bright yellow and finally, bright blue. When you have colors like this, you can find out which one works best with your skin tone. Want to show off your colors? Buy a womens kimono.
Your Clothes Don’t Fit
Another reason why you might not feel very good in the clothes that you wear is if your clothes don’t fit you very well. When it comes to getting clothes, you need to detach yourself from the size. This is especially the case when it comes to thrift shopping.
Every brand seems to have a different way of applying a size to their clothes. If you want to work around this then don’t look at the size you are buying and instead look at the fit. This is the best way for you to make sure that you are finding something that works for you and that you are not making bad decisions all the time. Size is just a number, so buy according to fit and you will be well on your way.
You’re Mixing Too Many Styles
Don’t feel bad if you are trying to combine too many different styles all at once. You have probably been doing this for quite some time but if you can, you need to be classic, cohesive and consistent. If you can hit the marks here then you will soon find that you can rule out certain clothing items. As a result of this, you will find that your outfits look better.

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