Let’s dive right into How to Generate Instagram Engagement!
For some businesses, Instagram can seem like a huge time trap (without many results). But, I don’t want anyone to feel that way! Instagram is meant to be a fun social platform to showcase our businesses and lives. However, with the constant algorithm changes, I know that it can seem like an uphill battle.
In order to get Instagram to work for you (and your business!), you really need to focus on the two “parts” of the platform.
Can you guess what those two parts are? I bet you get the first one!
Part one – Creating a feed that serves your target audience.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need a professional photographer in order to attract users to your account. An iPhone and some dedication will go a long way!
In your feed, you will want to provide content that your target audience wants to read, and they look forward to. This could be business tips, fashion advice, etc. Whatever your target audience is looking for, try to provide it for them.
This means that using stock photos over and over again paired with captions like “Happy Friday” are probably not going to benefit you. Now, if you paired a stock photo with a caption that talked all about how to be more productive as a work at home mom (and that was your target audience) then that would probably be a more successful post.
Consistency is also a part of this. Let me say that one more time, consistency is key!
Whether you decide that you want to post daily, or only a couple times a week, make sure that you are showing up consistently. That way, your audience is more likely to look for your posts and know when to expect them.
Finally, if it makes sense for your business, show up personally in your feed! Instagram is the one platform where you can get as personal as you want! Showing your face and details about you will help your audience relate to you and ultimately trust you enough to use your business.
Most business owners are well aware of part one and they realize that they need it to grow. However, many people forget about part two. So what is that?
Engaging on Instagram!
This means that you are going out and interacting with your target audience on their photos.
The first way to engage is by commenting on a photo. If you do leave a comment, I always suggest that you pick out something specific about the photo or caption and talk about that. If your comment could be applied to hundreds of other pictures, it can look spammy and won’t give you the results you are looking for. For example, if you leave “Great picture”, it probably won’t have the same effect as “Hey Madison! I loved your tips on how to stay productive! Thanks for sharing your expertise with me!”
Engaging can also mean liking pictures. If you have relevant hashtags for your business, you can go through those and find the clientele that you want. Then like their pictures. I recommend liking at least 3-4 pictures at a time. This will help you show up in their notification feed. (And while you are there, feel free to comment on a few!)
In addition to finding your target audience, it can also be a huge help to figure out where your audience is hanging out (or whose profile they frequently visit) and then engaging on that profile.
For example, if you are a fashion blogger, you might want to find a few influencers that have really high engagement and then frequently comment on their pictures. That way, when your target audience is viewing the influencer’s photo, they are likely to see your comment and click over to your profile.
Just like with part one, consistency is also key in this!
Showing up in someone’s feed, regularly, is going to get them to notice you and repay the favor. Instagram is all about give and take – you have to give a little in order to get some in return 🙂
Now, I am going to be honest. Instagram and building Instagram Engagement takes time. It isn’t something that you can jump on for 10 seconds a day and expect to immensely grow your account, at least not in an authentic way.
As a business owner myself, I know that time is a luxury and most of us don’t have any extra to give. This is where a Virtual Assistant or Social Media manager can come in! If you are interested in working with a VA or Social Media Manager – you are in the right place my friend! Contact me here to chat more about what your business needs!
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