Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, getting up every morning can be difficult if you don’t sleep well. Sleep is vital for good mental, emotional, and physical health, but it’s so incredibly common for people to be sleep deprived (especially if you are a parent!). Here are some ways that I have found work for me on how to get a better nights sleep, and hopefully they help you to improve your sleep quality too!

Set a Schedule
If you have children, they probably have a set bedtime. This helps them to wind down and makes sure that they get enough sleep while giving mom and dad some time in the evening to relax (woohoo!). However, setting a bedtime for yourself is also a good idea, even as an adult.
If you regularly go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, your body can adjust to a set schedule. This means that you will feel tired at the correct times, and you will more naturally wake up in the morning. This is because your body naturally tries to go to sleep at the same time. By working with your body, rather than fighting it, you can enjoy a more consistent sleep quality.
For me, setting a bedtime also helps me have a hard stop on whatever it is I am doing before bed. It can be so tempting to watch just one more Netflix show or keep scrolling social media, but I know I will then pay for it by being overtired the next day. By having a bed time, it helps me put everything away and go to sleep.
Related post for parents: Toddlers Sharing a Bedroom: 5 Tips
Herbal Remedies
If you have a set bedtime, then your body will naturally wind down before you go to sleep. However, you can help it along. Herbal teas are a great option, as they naturally help your body to relax. Chamomile tea is especially good for relaxation, and valerian root tea encourages you to go to sleep. I love curling up on the couch after a long day with a cup of tea!
Another option is to use CBD oil to help your body and mind get ready for a good night’s sleep. Once you’ve found an option that works for you, you’ll soon reap the benefits of a restful night. Or check out Alternaleaf for more about these plant based treatments.
Other Bedtime Routines
As well as setting a bedtime and taking herbal supplements to help you to sleep, there are other steps on how to get a better nights sleep. First, make sure your bedroom is the prime environment for good sleep. Ideally, it should be cool and dark. However, everyone is different, so find an environment that you prefer. I like having a sound machine in mine. I got used to it when the kids were babies and sleeping in our room, and since then, I like having one!
It is also important to relax before bed. If you work from home, like me, it’s so tempting to try and get things done before bed, but give yourself at least half an hour to an hour to wind down (without screens!).
Switch to reading or another relaxing way to wind down, which doesn’t involve staring at a tablet or phone. If you can, keep them away from your bed, so you resist the temptation to browse in bed (it is really hard, I know!).

Medical Help
If you suffer from chronic insomnia and none of the natural steps are working for you, then it might be beneficial to see a doctor. If there is an underlying issue interfering with your sleep, then they can find it.
Lack of sleep can lead to many other issues, so if possible, you want to try and get as much as your body needs. If your a parent, like me, it can be hard to get myself to go to bed since this is my only “me time” in a day. However, I promise you will thank me for giving you a gentle push to prioritize sleep when you wake up tomorrow! I hope these tips on how to get a better nights sleep help you catch some zzzzz’s!

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