Time always seems to be something you need more of in business, no matter what sector or niche you happen to be working in. Being able to manage your time effectively can make a huge difference not just in the success of the business, but in helping you to achieve your goals, reduce your stress levels, and make you – and the rest of your team if you have one – more productive. With that in mind, read on to find out how to master time management in business so you can enjoy all the many benefits that it will bring you.

Assess What You’re Doing Now
The best place to start if you want to improve your time management and be more successful in your business is to look at what you’re doing now that is causing this to be a problem in the first place. Where is your time currently allocated, and is that a good use of the time you have? Ask yourself these questions, and you’ll be able to see precisely where the problem lies.
You might be spending a lot of time working on marketing, for example, or perhaps your accounts take hours when you should be working on customer service or finding new products to sell. Once you know whether you are being productive with your time or not, you can work out ways to gain time back and use it more effectively.
Make A Schedule
You’ll have a set number of hours in the day when you are working in and on your business (and if you don’t, you need to create a working day for yourself, otherwise your work-life balance is at risk, and you might suffer from burnout). You can make a schedule that accounts for every one of those hours and ensures you have time to get everything done that you need to do.
Sometimes you’ll have more things to do than hours to do them in, and that means it’s time to prioritise. Make sure you schedule time for the most important and urgent tasks you need to do, and the less important ones can be scheduled for another time. Or you might decide to outsource and have someone else take on some of the work you have to do so that you can schedule in a more productive way. You might look for a local CPA for small businesses, for example, and free up time in your schedule to make deliveries or contact suppliers, for example.
Avoid Distractions
If you really want to master time management, you’ll need to work hard on avoiding distractions. It’s amazing how much time is lost when you ‘quickly’ check your social media feeds, reply to non-important emails, or even just stare out of the window.
Let people know that you’re working and that you mustn’t be disturbed for an hour or two. Then turn off your notifications and close all the unnecessary tabs on your computer. You can also schedule specific times to check your emails and messages so that it becomes part of your day and not a distraction.
If you find that you’re unable to concentrate, take this as a sign that it’s time to take a break and, ideally, go and get some fresh air, as you’ll feel a lot more productive and focused when you get back to work.

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