I can’t believe I am even writing this…. Leonie is going to be 1 year old on Sunday! Where did the last year go?! I feel like the year just flew right by. She grew and developed so much, and we loved getting to spend so much time with her! Here is what happened over the last year, all were written on the day that she hit the new month!
Read Leonie’s birth story here!

1 month old:
This past month you have brought us more joy and happiness then we could ever imagine!
You love:
– Grunting and making noises
– Going on walks
– Laying on your play mat
– Eating!
I can’t wait to see how you continue to grow and develop!

2 months old:
This month she found her smile, gained a cousin and is sleeping super long stretches at night!
She loves:
– smiling and interacting
– being outside
– playing with Dad
We couldn’t have asked for a better baby. She is the sweetest girl and we love every moment we get to spend with her!

3 months old:
It has been so much fun watching her grow and discover new things each and every day.
This past month she has:
– consistently slept through the night
– found her hands (and loves chewing on them, swipe to see)
– rolled over from stomach to back a few times!
She is such a happy baby, who loves smiling. How did I get so blessed? Also, does time ever slow down? I can’t believe how fast it’s going.

4 months old:
I can’t believe how quickly time is passing. I love seeing how her personality develops more each and every day. She is such a happy baby and her expressions are adorable – swipe to see some of them.
Right now she loves:
– Practicing sitting
– Tummy time and rolling onto her back
– Eating her hands
– Dancing around the house with Mama
I can’t wait to see what this month brings for her!

5 months old:
Leonie is 5 months old! She is getting so big and active! Swipe to see how she has grown.
This month she loves:
– Chatting and screeching
– Having me sing “The Wheels on the Bus”
– Practicing sitting up
– Being carried around
I love seeing her personality come out and she is regularly laughing now which about makes me want to cry from joy.

6 months old:
I can’t believe my sweet girl is 1/2 year old! These 6 months have been nothing less than incredible. You love:
– Watching household appliances especially the vacuum and microwave
– being held up to stand
– laughing and chatting
– being carried everywhere
Leonie you make Mama so so happy. I love you more and more each day.

7 months old:
7 months! Where is the time going? This past month you have done so much! You started eating solid foods, got your first tooth and started saying Mama and Papa!
You are so active. Always kicking your legs and wanting to move around. I can’t believe how fast you are growing up!

8 months old:
She is the sweetest, happiest baby ever! 🥰 This month we hit some big milestones! She pulled herself up to stand, can stand on her own when holding onto something, has three teeth and is eating so many different foods! I can’t wait to see what this month has in store for us. 💙🤍💙

9 months old:
She now has 6 teeth, loves chatting with anyone who will listen, crawls everywhere and only wants to stand instead of sitting now.

10 months old:
This month was a busy one – she reached 100 different foods tried (sharing them below!), crawled and climbed on everything, mastered her fake smile and went on her first trip to the zoo (where she liked watching the people more than the animals.)
I can’t believe how fast time is flying by and how big she is getting! Swipe to see how much she has grown over the last 10 months.
100 First foods:
11/20- 1. Pumpkin
11/21- 2. Oatmeal 3. Avocado 4. Sweet Potato
11/22- 5. Apple 6. Kidney Beans 7. Broccoli
11/23- 8. Banana 9. Zucchini (+ olive oil)
11/25- 10. Amaranth 11. Pear
11/27- 12. Strawberry 13. Mango
11/28- 14. Applesauce 15. Lentils 16. Cauliflower
11/29- 17. Eggs
11/30- 18. Papaya
12/3- 19. Corn grits
12/5- 20. Raspberry 21. Tomatoes
12/6- 22. Greek yogurt
12/9- 23. Mascarpone
12/11- 24. Spinach (+ butter) 25. Onion 26. Garlic
12/12- 27. Prune
12/13- 28. Blueberry 29. Peanut butter
12/15- 30. Cucumber
12/16- 31. Bell pepper
12/18- 32. Chives
12/19- 33. Black beans 34. Hemp seeds 35. Ricotta
12/20- 36. Carrots 37. Corn
12/22- 38. Garlic
12/23- 39. Wheat 40. Bread
12/24- 41. Pasta
12/25- 42. Mozzarella 43. Parmesan 44. Parsley 45. Liver 46. Mushroom
12/28- 47. Goat cheese
12/30- 48. Plum 49. Chicken
1/1- 50. Salmon
1/5- 51. Cod 52. Cumin
1/12- 53. Cinnamon 54. Pineapple 55. Squash
1/13- 56. Lime 57. Sardines
1/16 58. Tahini
1/17 59. Sesame Seeds
1/18 60. Ginger 61. Soba Noodles
1/21 62. Orange
1/23 63. Basil 64. Coconut
1/24 65. Chai seeds
1/25 66. Eggplant
1/27 67. Ground beef
1/28 68. Honeydew Melon
1/29 69. Blackberries
1/30 70. Chickpeas
2/2 71. Tofu
2/6 72. Walnut
2/9 73. Persimmon
2/11 74. Grapefruit
2/13 75. Kiwi
2/16 76. Almond
2/19 77. Peach 78. Quinoa
2/21 79. Potatoes 80. Açaí 81. Pollock 82. Shallot
2/25 83. Mint 84. Crème fraîche
2/28 85. Sauerkraut 86. Bread dumplings 87. Parsley
3/2 88. Cashews
3/4 89. Mandarine
3/6 90. Purple cabbage 91. Couscous 92. Cranberries
3/7 93. Beets
3/8 94. Rice
3/9 95. Chili
3/10 96. Tuna
3/11 97. Canary Melon
3/12 98. Gnocchi 99. Pork 100. Truffle

11 months old:
She is so active, wanting to power crawl everywhere as fast as possible. Normally with her head down so she likes to run into things 🙈 She is starting to walk while holding on to something and she loves using her voice. Especially to tell me “Nein, Nein, Nein” (Nein = No in German) 🙄😂
How is it possible that we are going to have a one year old next month?!

12 months old:
This month you have started to enjoy “cuddling” where you lay your head on us and snuggle. It is always my favorite parts of the day when you do this. You are able to walk if we hold your hand, I am sure you will be walking on your own soon! Your back molars are all trying to come in at once – so your teeth have certainly been hurting a lot. I still can’t believe you are one on Sunday… Thank you for giving me the best year of my life.

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