It’s January, and at the beginning of every year, I like to reflect on the previous year and make plans for the new one. Recently, I shared my 20 goals for 2020 (check out that post here). One of my goals was to be kinder to others and my partnership with Cameron’s Coffee has inspired me to do that in a unique way!
Cameron’s Coffee’s brand promise is to make everyday brighter. They aim to be the bright and cheerful coffee brand that helps people start each day on a positive note. I know that for me, coffee has the unique opportunity to “transform” my mornings from dark to light and see the world as a mug half- full kind of place.
When I was thinking of ways that I could be especially kind to people in my life this month, I decided that I had to include one of my favorite parts of my day – enjoy a steaming hot cup of Cameron’s Coffee.

I created these super easy tokens of gratitude that I gave out to people who have made an impact on my life. People like:
- Longtime friends who I haven’t seen in awhile
- New friends who have recently made an impact on my life
- The maintenance manager who always helps us fix things around the apartment
- My sister for letting us stay at her house

These small gifts were really easy to put together, and didn’t cost much. Here is what I used to create these “tokens of gratitude”:
- Fun coffee mug
- A few pieces of chocolates
- Cameron’s Coffee pods
- Clear wrapping paper
- Ribbon
It was great seeing the surprise on people’s faces when I gave them the gifts! Which is why I am challenging you to participate in your own random act of kindness, or Random Acts of “Cameron’s”, this month as well!

You don’t need to give out gifts, or spend any money, here are a few simple ideas to get you started:
- Call an old friend to check in
- Donate clothes/household items to the local homeless shelter
- Sign up to walk dogs or play with cats at your local animal shelter
- Tell a family member you love them
- Invite a new friend over for Cameron’s coffee
No matter what you choose to do, I know it will help brighten your day!

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