When you get together with your friends, the first thing that you should always do is to plan something fun. You want to be having a laugh together and that means taking the time to plan for any time you spend in each other’s company. Whether you are getting together for a special reason or you are getting together just because you enjoy your time with one another, you have to consider what you can do with your friends that will make everyone’s night.

Finding new, fun things to do is a must if you want to embrace your time together and whether you do puzzles involving 8 Letter Words to solve or you choose to go on a paintball session, there are so many things that will make your friendship solid. So with that in mind, here are some things that you could do with your friends that will give you a laugh for life.
Go to the Movies
Time with friends doesn’t have to be all indoors having fun! You can spend a lot of time outside the home if you want to, and that’s going to mean booking a movie together! Heading to the movies and watching one of the latest ones with a group of friends is a great way to spend time together and you have something to discuss over dinner, too!
Go Rollerskating
Go rollerskating! You don’t have to be an expert in skating to enjoy roller skating! You can get out together and really learn to giggle when you are zooming around a skating rink. Book a party or go during the day and if you think you might spend more time falling than having fun book some lessons first! It’s a great way to spend your time with friends and you’ll enjoy the toned legs as the outcome.
Head to a Silent Disco
Have you ever heard of one of these? It’s where everyone wears earphones playing different songs and you dance together. On the outside, everyone is dancing and having fun but no one can hear the music so it looks like a brilliant time. You can even choose themes that will appeal, such as a rock night or rap night. It’s a vibe and you all get the chance to dance together.
Head to a Trivia Night.
Another good way to spend time with friends is during a trivia night. Go and create a group together and answer questions to win good prizes. If you haven’t done it before then you might want to sort out what you’re all good at and what questions the group should take. Delegating topics is a must and you can really end up with awesome results!
Go and See a Game
Hockey? Football? Rugby? No matter your chosen sport, it’s always more fun to enjoy it with friends on your side. Go and see a live game and cheer on your favorite team, but don’t forget to get some souvenirs so that you can remember the night.

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