As we step into a brand new year, it’s the perfect time to start tackling all those little things around the house you’ve been putting off. Whether it’s a major project or a small yet desired change, jot it down and give yourself some tasks to accomplish. This will not only help you start the new year on the right foot but also give you a sense of achievement.
But what should those tasks be? This post offers suggestions for small household changes you can make to help you be more organized and improve your home for the new calendar year. You can look forward to a more organized and stress-free home by implementing these changes.

Give Everything Home
If you’re guilty of having piles of stuff, everyone, firstly, you’re not alone. Many people succumb to the piles of items they have yet to find a home for. However, make it a priority to find a home for things for the new year. Whether you finally get the key hooks up on the wall for your car or house keys, you identify a drawer for important letters, create a dedicated space for school book bags, etc.., know your problem areas, and put a fix in place. Whatever you need to help you stay organized and reduce those little piles of stuff building up.
Appliance Servicing and Repairs
Certain appliances and aspects in your home need regular servicing or even repairs, and now is the ideal time to make the call and arrange this. Whether you need a service or a hvac repair, book it in and get it ticked off. Or if it’s your electrics that need a quick checkover, your plumbing, or anything else; if you have appliances or aspects of your home that aren’t quite working as they should be or they need some TLC, get them on the list and be proactive about taking care of it.
Put Things Away
This is a really easy and simple one, but it can trip many people up. When you have finished using something, or you don’t need it anymore, put it away. The amount of hassle and stress implementing and following through on this rule can reduce will be immense, so make it something you focus on for the upcoming year for more organization and order in your home.
Declutter Regularly
This point can make two of the previously mentioned points much easier. Decluttering regularly and being more mindful of what you buy can significantly help improve organization and order within your home. By taking control of your belongings and being honest about what you really need, you can empower yourself to maintain a clutter-free home.
Use What You Have
Making it a challenge to use what you have before you buy new can be a great way to improve organization and reduce clutter in your home. You are forced not to buy anything until you desperately need it, meaning you have to use up what you have and reduce clutter by not buying new things prematurely or if you don’t need them. Suppose you pair this with a no-buy Jan; for example, you can kill two birds with one stone!

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