I am obsessed with reading. I have been for as long as I can remember. There is just something so exciting about getting into a really great book – one that I can’t put down.
I wanted to create a list of books that I either have already read or am planning to read in 2020 – feel free to read along with me!

Long Bright River
Everyone seems to be talking about this book that was released on January 7th. It is Liz Moore’s third novel about a female cop whose opioid-addled sister goes missing. I love a good woodunnit!
State of Lies
Just finished this book and it is so good! I love that it dives right into the action and keeps you captivated. I read it in one day, and trust me, you probably will too because you can’t put it down.
The Woman in the Window
Manuel got me this book for Christmas, and it is also a suspenseful thriller. If you liked Gone Girl, you will love this one! It has so many twist and turns, you will never expect what is coming on the next page.
Now You See Me (by Chris McGeorge)
Can you tell that I am into suspenseful thrillers yet? This one is a tale of how six people entered into one of the longest canal tunnels in England, and only one comes out – with no memory of what happened.
Where The Crawdads Sing
Is it even a “best of” list if I don’t include this book? I was hesitant to read it because it didn’t really sound like a book I would like. However, the multitude of awards, and recommendations from others convinced me otherwise, and I am so glad it did! It is a great book!

If you are expecting, these are great books:
Of course, I have been reading a ton of pregnancy books in preparation for our baby girl’s arrival in May. Here are some of my favorites so far:
What no one tells you : a guide to your emotions from pregnancy to motherhood
This book goes way beyond what most pregnancy books cover. It talks about the hard emotions that mom’s to be and new mom’s face, and tips for dealing with those. It is a must read for anyone pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting
I was really excited about this book because it dives into European style parenting. Being married to a German, that is one thing I felt would be good to learn about. There are so many great tips (backed by research) that will help in the first days, months and years of your new babe’s life.
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
After all the horror stories that are floating around about birthing a child, I needed some positivity. Between the tips from Ina May, and the first hand accounts of multiple birth stories – I loved this book!
There you have it! I would love to know if you have read any of these, or have any other suggestions for me to add to my list! Share with me in the comments below!

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